A Donkey Named Millie

When Millie, a baby miniature donkey, arrived, I fell in love at first sight.

Not only was she beautiful, with soulful brown eyes, a rich brown coat with a cross on her shoulders, and a white-nosed expressive face, but she came to me at once, and stretched up to be hugged.

I was absolutely enthralled, as were all the other humans, and at least half the other animals that live here in this very special place between Texas and Oklahoma.

Never could I have imagined that a donkey could be so intelligent, sensitive, gentle, and so full of love.

Millie is a Miniature Mediterranean donkey.  She is about 33 inches tall, measured at her shoulders… about to the hem of my jacket… and that’s about as tall as she will ever get. 

Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys are a breed of their own; not small regular donkeys, and, according to the New York stockbroker who imported the first from Sardinia, they have the affectionate nature of a Newfoundland puppy, and an intellectual capability only slightly below that of man.

During those first weeks, as Millie got acquainted, exploring this wonderland of woods, creeks, and bluffs, exchanging nose kisses with the dogs, and greeting humans with donkey hugs, I followed her around with my camera to record some of the funniest, the most touching, and the most awe-inspiring examples of animal behavior I’ve ever been privileged to witness.

I wrote about Millie in an Amazon Kindle eBook, "A Donkey Named Millie, A Valentine's Day Story". It was, during Valentine's season, for sale at the Amazon Kindle Store.

After Valentine's Day, I took the book down, and I'm re-writing it as an eBook for children.

Some of the stories are shown in this blog, "A Donkey Named Millie".

As a photo-story eBook, Millie's story can be read on most computers, using a free eBook reader that will display the photos in full color.

If you want to hear more when the book is available, please email us here:


Matt the Cat: Cat Scares Away Donkeys

What ARE those creatures?
They better not try to come up on my deck!

Minnie, Dinah, and Bella Mia are Miniature Donkeys.   Minnie has been here for a while, but Dinah and Bella Mia have just arrived,  Notice the horse trailer in the background.

Dinah and Bella Mia, unaware of the donkey-eating cat on the deck, come closer to get acquainted.

All three donkeys are registered with the Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys Association.

Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys are a breed of their own.They are not a smaller version of regular donkeys.

Unimpressed by the pedigree of the donkeys, Matt hisses and growls as Dinah and Bella Mia continue their tour of their new home.

Eventually, Dinah and Bella Mia wander away, in search of tasty grass.

Satisfied that the donkeys are gone, Matt turns to say:
It's okay, Mom.  I scared them away.

Matt the Cat Trains Bubba the Puppy

Matt the Cat surveys his domain, but sees something that does not please him.
In response to Matt's warning, Bubba puts his face down in the "You're the Alpha" attitude.

Finally, Bubba gives up and starts to leave the deck.  As apparent by the size of his fluffed up tail...  at least twice its usual size, Matt is not backing down.

At the last minute, Bubba decides to try once again.  Instead of leaving, he stops at the steps and looks back at Matt with a pleading look.

Not impressed, Matt goes back to his nap.

Matt the Cat Helps at the Computer Keyboard

Matt the Cat has taken to climbing into my lap as I try to type at the computer keyboard... but he won't just sit there... he wants both arms wrapped tightly around him... and if I reach for the keyboard, he protests.

After reading in The Natural Cat about practicing... getting cats used to being wrapped tightly in a towel, so you can wrap them when necessary to restrain them for some reason, such as giving them a pill... I now wrap him in a towel when he is on my lap.

So, here he is... wrapped so tightly he can't get paws loose, but he wiggled around until he is lying on his back, "swaddled" like a baby, and gazing up into my face with his big green eyes... which pretty much has the same affect as grabbing my hands away from the keyboard.

Donkeys Get the Drop on Mr. Dillon

Mr. Dillon and I went out for our evening walk.  As usual, I was walking, while Mr. Dillon did his cute kitty act of rolling around, getting under my feet.
As we return to our RV, we see that our domain has been invaded by Minnie, Dinah, and Bella Mia, the three Miniature Donkeys that share our part of the world.

Unable to reach the safety of his perch on the RV Deck, Mr. Dillon runs to hide under my car.
  He is soon found out, and the Donkeys come over to investigate. 
Mr. Dillon thinks he sees a clear path, and starts to sneak out.
Where Did He Go?  Bella Mia and Dinah wonder. 

Too late, Mr. Dillon realizes Minnie is nearby.

And retreats to his under-the-car safe spot.

Matt the Cat

Matt, the Cat, is my inspiration in more ways than I could have imagined.

He's the first animal I ever had a one on one relationship with. Some will squawk at that... but those who know cats, will know exactly what I am talking about.

I've asked those who have read some of my animal stories, to tell Matt if they want to hear more.

This is the place to do it... just leave your comments here:


Look What the Easter Bunny Brought!

Day Farm Pepsi and her baby girl born Easter morning, 2010. Shared here, courtesy of owner, Patt, at Texas Sunset Farm.

This one's for you, Margaret

So, Margaret wants a posture, huh?
I'll give her a  posture!
 How's that?
There you go.